astro-inertial guidance


astro-inertial guidance 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a guidance system for an aeronautical or space vehicle by which an automatic device in the vehicle takes periodic fixes on celestial bodies to determine the vehicle's position and to guide it along a particular flight path.

astro-inertial guidance 近义词

astro-inertial guidance

等同于 celestial navigation

astro-inertial guidance 的近义词 3

更多astro-inertial guidance例句

  1. Jettison your lawyers as a source of prison-yard guidance, Abramoff said.
  2. “Very few agencies offer police any specific guidance or training on how to question people with ID,” said Garrett.
  3. “Some tribes” have “requested guidance on the enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA),” the opening reads.
  4. According to Wahlberg, his time in prison, as well as the guidance of a parish priest, helped him turn his life around.
  5. Mariame protests, and tells the guidance counselor that she does not understand.
  6. Just corporeal enough to attest humanity, yet sufficiently transparent to let the celestial origin shine through.
  7. And here let me point out for your future guidance the importance of having a private secretary thoroughly up to his work.
  8. In a strict sense, of course, no child's drawing is absolutely spontaneous and independent of external stimulus and guidance.
  9. For thousands of years—perhaps for millions of years—the generations of men prayed to God for help, for comfort, for guidance.
  10. And efforts should be made, and supplications offered, to obtain guidance on this point into all truth.